If We Had Followed the Rules, I Wouldn’t Be Here – Gallery – Vancouver – Jan. 23, 2023

A well-attended event with great discussions at Hillel BC!

Author-survivor David Schaffer, artist Miriam Libicki, and project co-director Andrea Webb (UBC Education), were joined by moderator by Richard Menkis (UBC History) for a discussion of the book ‘But I Live’.  A reception was co-sponsored by the Embassy of Israel and UBC Public Humanities Hub, with support from Hillel BC. Many thanks to our sponsors and coordinators for event planning and advertising support! 

Photo credits: Mary Chapman & Sydney Lines.

Event: Monday, January 23, 2023, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the Hillel House in Vancouver, BC.

Event page: https://publichumanities.ubc.ca/events/event/if-we-had-followed-the-rules-i-wouldnt-be-here/