History Committee Meets for Leicester Workshop, March 1-4, 2020

Dr. Alex Korb hosted the History Committee, artists, and survivors at the University of Leicester, Stanley Burton Centre of Holocaust and Genocide Studies from March 1-4, 2020. Read the full program below:

Program (PDF)

logo for the project

Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education

Leicester Workshop, March 1-4, 2020

University of Leicester, Stanley Burton Centre of Holocaust and Genocide Studies

School of History, Politics and International Relations (HYPIR)

@ Leicester Innovation Hub, 128 Regent Road



Sunday, March 1: Arrival of the Graphic Novelists, their Liaison Partners, Visual Storytelling & Outreach Committee Members

(Charlotte Schallié, Alex Korb, Barbara Yelin, Miriam Libicki, Kobi Kabalek, Lise Pinkos, Jan Erik Dubbelman, Dienke Hondius)

Meeting at the lobby of the Belmont at 19h

Dinner (Czechoslovak)


Monday, March 2

9:30-10am: Informal Welcome and Coffee

Research partners’ roles and responsibilities – Open Discussions & Break-Out Sessions

10:00-11:30h: Moderator: Charlotte Schallié

This session will address the role of the liaison, and the individual contributions of all project partners. How can the interactions between the liaison, the survivors, the graphic novelists, and the historians be facilitated? What recording mechanisms are in place to document them?

11:30-13:00h: Moderator: Jan Erik Dubbelman

The graphic novelists will discuss the challenges have they encountered so far. How can the individual members of the research team best support them?


14:30-16:45h: History, Human Rights and Educational Practices. Moderator: Tim Cole

In a first input round of 10 minutes, Jan Erik Dubbelman (Anne Frank House) and Lise Pinkos (Canadian Museum for Human Rights) will present the work of their museum, focusing on and followed by questions how the institutions are able to support the graphic novelists’ work. A statement by Ilona Shulman Spaar (Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre) will be presented also.

In the last 30 minutes of the session we will discuss more generally the pitfalls of human rights education, and how educational concepts can be incorporated in the graphic novels.

Dinner (Uigur)


Tuesday, March 3: Graphic Novel, Holocaust Studies (I)

9:00-10h: Introduction: Charlotte Schallié, Alexander Korb

10:00-12:30h: Barbara Yelin and Miriam Libicki will present their preliminary ideas and story boards:

This session will be moderated and facilitated by Kobi Kabalek and Betsy Inlow.

12:30-13:45h: Lunch Break

13:45-14:30h:   Andrea Löw/Frank Bajohr: Recent Trends in Holocaust Research

(the session will be joined by students)

14:30-15:15h:   Alex Korb/Tim Cole: Jewish and non-Jewish Victims/Regional Variations

(the session will be joined by students)

15:45-16:30h:   Akim Jah/Alex Korb: Perpetrator Studies and Deportations

(the session will be joined by students)


17-18:30h:       Public Presentation of the Project (words of greeting by Professor Nishan Canagarajah, Vice Chancellor of the University of Leicester; Chaired by Alex Korb and Fransiska Louwagie)

Dinner (Indian)


Wednesday, March 4: Holocaust Studies (II), Outlook

9:00-9:45h:       Oral History and Victim Perspectives (Dienke Hondius)

9:45-11:00h:     Visual History (Kobi Kabalek)

11h-11:15h:      Coffee Break

11:15h-12:15h: Open Discussion (Alex Korb)

12:15-13h:        Sandwich Lunch

13h-14:30h:      Chair: Di Levine (Leicester): Next Steps, Ideas for Outreach Activities

17h:  Optional seminar: Dr Bea Lewkowicz: Emigration, Displacement, and Art: Testimonies from the AJR Refugee Voices Archive, Attenborough Film Theatre, 5pm


List of Participants:

Frank Bajohr (Institute for Contemporary History Munich, Center for Holocaust Studies)

Nishan Canagarajah (University of Leicester)

Raul Carstocea (University of Leicester)

Tim Cole (University of Bristol)

Jan Erik Dubbelman (Anne Frank House in Amsterdam)

Dienke Hondius (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Matt Huculak (UVic) – per skype?

Betsy Inlow (University of Leiester)

Akim Jah (ITS Arolsen)

Kobi Kabalek (Penn State University)

Alexander Korb (University of Leicester)

Di Levine (University of Leicester)

Miriam Libicki (France/Canada)

Andrea Löw (Institute for Contemporary History Munich, Center for Holocaust Studies)

Fransiska Louwagie (University of Leicester)

Lise Pinkos (Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Winnipeg)

Charlotte Schallié (University of Victoria)

Gilad Seliktar (Tel Aviv – per skype) – per skype?

Ilona Shulman Spaar (Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre) – per skype?

Barbara Yelin (Munich)