Project Partners with New UVic Humanities Course

The project welcomed two students from a new Humanities course at the University of Victoria this month. HUMA295, taught by Dr. Alexandra D’Arcy, gives students hands-on learning opportunities with real-world projects. Jami Gisel and Seraphina Loten worked with the project to produce a social media plan and research terms and places for the forthcoming graphic narratives.

Reflecting on the practicum, Jami and Seraphina had the following to say:

Jami Gisel

Doing this research was very fascinating. Looking at different media strategies that could possibly be used put me out of my comfort zone. Even though I use social media often, I don’t often think about the small details of how social media actually functions.

Researching historical terms was simpler for me since I knew the majority of the terms that needed defining. I did have to keep in mind, however, the target demographic of this graphic novel: high school students. I had to format the terms into short, understandable definitions.

I really enjoyed doing this project and I loved reading these stories. I am very grateful to have been able to be included in this incredible project.



Seraphina Loten


We’ve been researching background on terms and details used in one of the graphic narratives. Something that intrigued me (although it was not included in the assigned tasks) is that upon arrival to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, the women were categorized and separated into five groups. The groups were differentiated by coloured triangles stitched into their sleeves. These categories were professional criminals, political prisoners, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jewesses, and “antisocial” (people who were perceived to be outside the social norms).

We’ve also been working on a media plan to support the project. Our goal here is to promote audience engagement and connect with as many viewers as possible.